
North Pennine Birdwalks 6: Derwent Gorge

North Pennine Birdwalks 6:
Derwent Gorge

The upland oak woodland of the Derwent Gorge is a dramatic relic of the once extensive forests of the North Pennines.

Now a National Nature Reserve managed by Natural England, this woodland contains many interesting and unusual plants such as sweet woodruff, enchanters’ nightshade and wood bitter-cress as well as a great range of resident and migratory birds.

Views across the woodland canopy from the gorge sides are impressive and are excellent for bird watching. The walk begins on the edge of the wood in an area of arable farmland, offering opportunities for you to see both farmland and woodland birds.

Start location: Starting from the grassy parking area at the crossroad between Wallish Walls and Crooked Oak (NZ 057 501).
Terrain: Boggy ground, off-road sections, on-road sections, steep sections.
There is car parking available.

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