
North Pennine Birdwalks 7: Burnhope Head

North Pennine Birdwalks 7:
Burnhope Head

Even in the depths of winter the heather moorland at Burnhope Head is home to large numbers of red grouse. Seeming to catapult from the heather in display whilst giving their loud “get back, get back” call, red grouse are a dramatic sight. During spring and summer their numbers are swelled by a multitude of breeding waders and the moorland seems to burst with life.

With sweeping views all around, this is always an impressive walk.

Start location: Starting from the large lay-by near Dead Friars Stone (NY 973 453).
Terrain: Boggy ground, off-road sections, on-road sections.
Distance: 5km/3 miles
There is car parking available.

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