What we do

The Pendlebury Award

The prestigious Pendlebury Award is awarded each year to a remarkable individual who has put their heart and soul into looking after the North Pennines.

Significant contribution

The Pendlebury Award is presented each year to an individual who has made a significant contribution to looking after the North Pennines Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) – its life and landscapes. The Award is specifically aimed at celebrating commitment to the conservation and culture of the North Pennines and is an initiative of the AONB Partnership. Nominations are sought and the decision is made by through a secret ballot of members of the North Pennines AONB Partnership.

In memory…

It is named in memory of the late Bob Pendlebury OBE, who was one of the leading advocates of the North Pennines and an unswerving champion of its protection. He was the first Chairman of the AONB Partnership (and its predecessor bodies) following the confirmation of its designation as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in June 1988.

Previous winners

2013 – The inaugural award was presented to Dr Margaret Bradshaw MBE by Ross Thompson – Bob’s grandson – at the North Pennines AONB Partnership’s Annual Forum on Friday 7 June 2013. This ‘anniversary forum’ marked the 25th anniversary of the North Pennines (to the day) being designated as an AONB and the 10th anniversary of the AONB becoming a UNESCO European Geopark.

2014 – Dave Liddle, former Durham County Council ranger

2015 – Ian Forbes, previous Director of Killhope Lead Mining Museum

2016 – Chris and Heather McCarty, former reserve managers for the Moor House-Upper Teesdale National Nature Reserve

2017/18 – Robert Philipson, farmer, Sinderhope, Northumberland

2019/20 – Carol Inskipp, volunteer and wildlife champion, Weardale

2021 – Guy Broome, volunteer and wildlife champion with the Fellfoot Forward Landscape Partnership Scheme, Cumbria

2022 – Altogether Archaeology, a group championing the archaeological heritage of the North Pennines

Each year the award is presented to the new winner by the previous year’s winner (each winner returning it to the Annual Forum in a symbolic relay).


The award is made to an individual who has significantly contributed to:

The conservation and enhancement of the natural beauty* of the North Pennines

The promotion of enjoyment and understanding of the special qualities of the area amongst local people and/or visitors.

Supporting local communities in matters directly relating to the conservation and enhancement of natural beauty and/or promoting enjoyment and understanding of the North Pennines.

*Natural beauty in the context of National Landscapes (AONBs) is about much more than scenic quality, and includes landform, geology, plants and animals, landscape features and the rich history of human settlement over the centuries.

Further information and nominations

For additional information, guidance and nomination forms please contact Simon Wilson (Business Manager) at the North Pennines AONB Partnership on 01388 528801 or simon@northpenninesaonb.org.uk

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Robert Philipson presents Carol Inskipp with the 2019 Pendlebury Award