What we do

Responsible tourism charter

North Pennines Responsible Tourism Charter

The North Pennines Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and UNESCO Global Geopark is a very special place with a high quality natural environment. Using the resources provided in the North Pennines Tourism Toolkit reflects a promise to provide high quality, sustainable and authentic experiences, products and services. The North Pennines AONB Partnership will grant you use of the resources to help promote your business, event or organisation on you agreeing to the terms below.

We confirm, agree and undertake that:

  • We are proud to operate within the North Pennines AONB and UNESCO Global Geopark.
  • We respect the special landscape and nature of the North Pennines AONB and carry out our activities in ways that protect and improve the environment of the area.
  • We will follow North Pennines Events Guidance if we are organising large-scale outdoor events in the area (a link is available on the right).
  • We are committed to providing quality products, services and experiences and we continually strive to improve our business and customer offer.
  • We strive to buy goods and services from local and sustainable sources. We recognise that using local products can increase the distinctiveness of our business and will have a positive environmental and economic impact.
  • We will work to provide our customers with an authentic, distinctive and quality experience.
  • We will strive to enhance the reputation of the North Pennines AONB as a great place to live, work, visit and do business.
  • We will not engage in the sale of minerals, fossils or similar original geological material, in accordance with the UNESCO Global Geoparks Charter.
  • We will not act in any way in which will bring the North Pennines AONB and UNESCO Global Geopark, or any business within it, into disrepute.
  • We meet, and will continue to meet, all current legislative and regulatory requirements, guidance and best practice relating to our business, activities and sector.
  • We will abide by the Conditions of Use for the North Pennines Locator Logos, namely:
    • We acknowledge that all rights in the North Pennines Locator Logos are the exclusive property of the North Pennines AONB Partnership (the ‘AONB Partnership’)
    • We acknowledge and agree that we are authorised to use the Locator Logos only in accordance with the Responsible Tourism Charter, these Conditions of Use, and the Usage Guidelines (available as a download from the Toolkit).
    • We are not granted any rights by the AONB Partnership to allow other people to use the Locator Logos, and we undertake not to purport or attempt to give other people the right to use them.
    • We acknowledge that Locator Logos must only be used in conjunction with our own brand. The Locator Logos must not be used in isolation, or where it is the defining feature of any item or material.
    • We will not do anything to weaken, damage or devalue the Locator Logos or which is likely to bring the AONB Partnership into disrepute, examples of which include using them in a context which may be obscene, offensive, blasphemous, illegal, defamatory, fraudulent or affiliated to a political or religious viewpoint.

If you would like to sign up to the Responsible Tourism Charter and gain access to the resources, please fill out the application form.