What we do

Fellfoot Radio

Fellfoot Radio

Listen to our 24/7 broadcast featuring sounds and voices recorded in the Fellfoot Forward landscape in Cumbria. The schedule is below with further detail on the programmes here.

Be part of a Fellfoot Radio programme

Record two minutes of audio in the Fellfoot Forward landscape using your phone or an audio recorder. Respond to a theme below:

  • Sounds you can hear from your window
  • Describe a special place in the Fellfoot Landscape
  • Tell us a story
  • Play us a tune
  • Remember a person or an animal


  • Record two minutes of audio
  • Make sure you have permissions of any participants you are recording
  • Be respectful and appropriate in what you choose to share
  • Email or Wetransfer your recordings to Fellfootradio@gmail.com before Tuesday 31 October
  • All contributions will be edited together for a programme to be broadcast from November 2023
  • If you have other content you’d like us to consider as a programme, let us know

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