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High Nature Value Farming Awards

High Nature Value Farming Awards

The Tees-Swale: Naturally Connected Farming Awards aim to promote importance of High Nature Value (HNV) farming systems, showcasing and celebrating farmers and land managers who protect and maintain valuable upland habitats in this area. Through our main funder, The National Lottery Heritage Fund, we are offering a £500 award for the winner in each of the categories:

  1. High nature value farming best practice
  2. Nature recovery
  3. Public engagement

The window for entries for the 2024 awards is now open and the closing date is Friday 30 August 2024.

The 2023 winners were Ray and Sue Ridley of Kexwith Farm, near Marske in the high nature value farming category, Charlie and Gina Parker of Hill Gill Farm, Baldersdale in the nature recovery category, and Jemma and John Clark of Bowlees Farm, Newbiggin-in-Teesdale in the public engagement category.

Award ceremony

The winners will be announced at an award ceremony on 16 October at the first of our winter Farmer Talks series at the Moorcock Inn, Eggleston. Find out more and book for the talks here.


There will be a two-stage judging process, an assessment of nominations to produce a shortlist, and an on-the-ground assessment to choose the category winners. We can also pay shortlisted farmers a contribution for their time during the final on-farm judging.

The criteria for the three awards are detailed below with the assessment for the shortlisting outlined. The same criteria will be used for final stage judging during a visit of the judging panel to the shortlisted farms.

High Nature Value Farming Best Practice

We want to recognise farmers and land managers who have continually managed important habitats (for example, upland hay meadows) and species (curlew and other waders) on their farm and who have integrated sensitive high nature value farming methods into their farming business to conserve and enhance these areas.

Nominations should demonstrate the features present on the holding as well as how the sensitive management of these has been integrated into the farming business over a sustained period of time.


  1. Open to all farmers/land managers in the Tees-Swale area – see the map of the programme area here.
  2. Explain how they have managed one or more important habitats over time.
  3. Demonstrate the features and habitats present on the holding.
  4. Demonstrate how the farmer/land manager integrated HNV farming practices into their farming business.
  5. Demonstrate the longevity of these practices.

Nomination form – Word and PDF

Nature Recovery

We want to recognise farmers and land managers who have carried out work on their holding to create/restore/expand habitats and improve conditions for species. Nominations should demonstrate that nature recovery works have been carried out on the holding and ongoing management of these integrated into their farming business.


  1. Open to all farmers/land managers in the Tees-Swale are – see the map of the programme area here.
  2. Demonstrate nature recovery works carried out on a farm/holding.
  3. Demonstrate the benefits of these works – for habitats or species.
  4. Demonstrate how nature recovery is being and will continue to be integrated into their farming business.

Nomination form – Word and PDF

Public Engagement

We want to recognise farmers and land managers that have created opportunities for the wider public to engage with farming and nature. Nominations should demonstrate what opportunities have been created and how these connect people with farming and nature.


  1. Open to all farmers/land managers in the Tees-Swale area – see the map of the programme area here.
  2. Provide opportunities for public engagement with farming and nature – detail of dates and numbers engaged with – groups, general public etc.
  3. Provide evidence of the benefit to groups or the public – what they gained from the engagement.
  4. Demonstrate that this public good will continue and how this is integrated into the wider farm business.

Nomination form – Word and PDF


Farmers and land managers can nominate themselves or be nominated by others. Conditions of entry include allowing on-farm judging if shortlisted and agreeing to publicity.

The award ceremony and presentation

The awards ceremony will take place on 16 October 2024 at the first talk of the autumn farmer talks series.

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