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Join us to commemorate the launch of our new Skygazing Pavilion – ‘The Nest’ at Talkin Tarn Country Park. The Nest is an expertly constructed roundhouse made with local natural materials. It is designed to sit sensitively in the landscape, inspired by traditional Bronze Age structures that would have been dotted all over this landscape over three thousand years ago.

There will be an opportunity to meet The Mast Collective, the team of makers and crafts people who designed and installed the Pavilion, enjoy simple hands-on practical activities, and find out about opportunities in green woodworking and heritage craft.

Aimed at architecture students, woodworkers, individuals and groups interested in working with natural materials, arts, design and built heritage.

No booking is required – just drop in on the hour between 11am and 3pm.

Bring warm/waterproof clothing.

Talkin Tarn Country Park, Tarn Road, Brampton, Cumbria CA8 1HN. See https://www.carlisle.gov.uk/talkintarn/Find-Us for directions.

The Nest – Skygazing Pavilion location https://what3words.com/scoping.amid.contracts

This event is one of three, celebrating the launch of The Nest at Talkin Tarn Country Park, on 3 November. The other two events are: Storytelling at The Nest – Skygazing Pavilion; and Talkin Tarn Skywatch.

This event is part of the North Pennines Stargazing Festival running from 20 October to 5 November 2023 – www.NorthPenninesStarFest.org.uk #NorthPennStarFest23 #NPennDarkSkies

Funded through the Fellfoot Forward Landscape Partnership Scheme, led by the North Pennines AONB Partnership and funded by The National Lottery Heritage Fund.

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