
Pennine PeatLIFE comes to an end

Pennine PeatLIFE summary report 2023

The Pennine PeatLIFE project began in 2017 with an aim to restore damaged peatlands across the protected landscapes of the North Pennines AONB, the Yorkshire Dales National Park, Forest of Bowland AONB and Nidderdale AONB.

Pennine PeatLIFE was led by the North Pennines AONB Partnership in collaboration with Yorkshire Wildlife Trust and the Forest of Bowland AONB Partnership. The project received €3.8 million from the European Union LIFE programme, and was co-financed by the Environment Agency, Northumbrian Water, United Utilities and Yorkshire Water.

As the project comes to an end, we’ve published this summary document, bringing together the main outcomes of the partnership, which collectively restored 1780 hectares of blanket bog.

Download the PDF report using the link in the right hand menu.


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