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European Atlantic Geotourism Route

An awe-inspiring trail

A new, awe-inspiring trail of magnificent destinations awaits you right along the epic expanse of the Atlantic frontier. It winds an intriguing transnational path from Ireland and the UK, to France, Portugal and Spain over to the Atlantic Islands of Lanzarote and down to the Azores. It links 12 dramatic landscapes that host vibrant communities, rich local cultures and unforgettable visitor experiences.

Discover and protect The European Atlantic Geotourism Route guides you through diverse territories, countries, habitats, languages and cultures. These stunning destinations are linked together by one powerful mission – to provide the highest quality visitor experiences; helping to power vibrant local economies and cultural activities and, in so doing, protecting these breathtaking and unique natural landscapes.

An ancient and contemporary story Each destination tells a distinctive, dramatic and enthralling chapter of the story of life on the Atlantic frontier. The tale of how, from time’s dawn to present day – natural forces, landscape, people, culture and ways of life continue to interweave to give physical shape, meaning and mystery to these memorable regions. To illuminate and animate these geologically-rich and bio-diverse destinations for the curious, careful and discerning visitor.

It’s waiting for you Today, in these wonder-filled places, rare and outstanding sustainable tourism offerings live in harmony with local farmers, craft workers, entrepreneurs, artists and artisan food producers, each strengthening the other. And now this European Atlantic Geotourism Route is yours to explore, to experience – and to never, ever forget.

The European Atlantic Geotourism Route

The European Atlantic Geotourism Route has been created to support the development of Geotourism in a number of destinations in the European Atlantic Area. With funding provided by the EU Interreg Atlantic Area programme and support from the Global Geopark Network, nine European Geoparks along with  two aspiring Geoparks and the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Portugal are working together on this transnational economic, cultural and sustainable tourism development project.

For more on the EU Interreg Atlantic Area programme see www.atlanticarea.eu

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