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Join us on 1 July 10am to 3pm for a day celebrating the magnificent meadows and farming history of Teesdale. The North Pennines AONB contains almost half of the remaining species-rich upland hay meadows in the UK. As well as being a rare and important habitat for wildflowers, upland hay meadows also support a whole range of invertebrates and birds.

High Nature Value farming practices in the uplands mean that many of these meadows are being managed in much the same way that they have been for generations. These farming practices protect the unique habitats of the North Pennines whilst also producing high quality food. Whilst the management regime of meadows is similar now to 200 years ago, the machinery available to farmers has changed beyond all recognition from scythes to large tractors and mowers, and from handmade pikes of hay to modern balers.

We want to celebrate this important habitat and its cultural history with a variety of fun activities suitable for all ages. There is no need to book, come along and take part in activities:

  • display of farming machinery old and new
  • display of machinery used for meadow restoration
  • botany walk around the meadows
  • art and craft activities
  • a closer look at the special species of plants through a microscope
  • display of typical upland hay meadow species grown from hand-collected local seed
  • meadow restoration talk
  • display of historic hay-time photographs

Delicious tea and scones will be on sale made by the Farmhouse Kitchen.

Location : Low Way Farm, Holwick.
Car parking available, access from road the towards Holwick (follow signs for The Farmhouse Kitchen) ///addicted.proven.encloses


Access on foot from Middleton or Bowlees via Pennine way: ///dark.releasing.going



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