
Planting and managing hedges for farming, wildlife and flood benefit

Planting and managing hedges webinar

The Farmer’s Network, one of our Fellfoot Forward Landscape Partnership Scheme’s partners, held a webinar on hedgerows for farming, wildlife and flood benefit on 10 December 2020.

Speakers included:
Fraser Hugill, a North Yorkshire farmer and CFE co-ordinator, on the role of hedges for livestock, crops, carbon sequestration and soil health
Jim Campbell, a Fellfoot farmer, and Jenny Garbe, Eden Rivers Trust, discussing planting hedges to make fences, shelter, and reduce flooding risk
Emma Wright and Tim Jacobs, North Pennines AONB Partnership, on managing hedges for wildlife and grants available through the Fellfoot Forward LPS
Mark Bulman sharing hedgelaying skills and practise.

The webinar covered where to plant, how to plant, and how to manage hedgerows for maximum benefit for all with useful information and links shared, including ‘A Cut Above’, a video available from Hedgelink’s website, where the video introduction and excerpts can also be viewed.

Hedgelink works for the UK’s hedges and is passionate about the agricultural and heritage value of hedgerows, and the enjoyment and inspiration they give to people alongside their environmental importance. Covering farming, wildlife, landscape, the historical and cultural importance of hedgerows, Hedgelink is a partnership of many organisations, with varied interests, which are all considered when giving advice about hedgerows, and influencing decisions about their future.

Hedgelink works with, and for, farmers, drawing on the skills and knowledge that farmers have, and providing them with advice and support that is practical and feasible. Their aim is to promote better understanding about hedgerows and their management between local communities and farmers, to find common ground and build on it.

Jim Campbell is working in partnership with Eden Rivers Trust, Fellfoot Forward LPS partners, on an ambitious programme of several hundred metres of hedge creation and tree planting to shore up unstable banks at Croglin. He sees this as farming and conservation working together to maximise the benefits: “It’s a win-win situation. We’re creating habitats, storing carbon to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, and offering flood defences. Just as important to me, we’re creating shelter for our sheep, especially when the Helm Wind blows, allowing me to farm more productively”. Jim offered one-to-one talks or Covid-secure visits for anyone interested in seeing, or finding out more, about the hedge planting work happening at from Town Head Farm, Croglin this winter. Email Jim to arrange.

Read The Guardian’s article on the environmental benefits of hedges.

Image of hedges and a gate

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