Visit & explore

Ashgill Force waterfall

Ashgill Force waterfall

Ashgill Force is a stunning waterfall with a path access that enables you to stand behind it. There’s a lovely walk to it from the pretty village of Garrigill. Alternatively, you can reach the falls from the B6277, five miles south east of Alston.

Travelling from Alston town centre, it’s exactly five miles from the Market Cross to a small stony lay-by on the right, just before the B6277 turns sharply right to cross Ashgill Bridge; the waterfall is beneath the bridge. Park in this lay-by, walk across the bridge, and at the far side pass through the stone stile on the right in the wall which leads you onto a clear path. Follow this path for about 120m, then turn right, almost doubling back on yourself, and follow the narrower path down towards the waterfall. There is a path that leads behind the waterfall itself, and the lower series of falls, accessible by a path over the wooden footbridge, are also well worth exploring.

A member of the North Pennines AONB team pictured on a moorland trank using the Geotours mobile phone app

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