
The stream invites us to follow

The stream invites us to follow – exploring the Eden from source to sea

Dick Capel takes us on a journey, keeping company with the River Eden and some of its tributaries from source to sea. He made journey over several years, mainly on foot, and kept a journal of copious notes as he went which eventually became a book, ‘The Stream Invites Us To Follow’. Dick explores the natural world, the people who inhabit it, their stories, history and skills – traditional and modern.

Along the way, Dick discusses many inspirational projects, including the Poetry Path, Goldsworthy Sheepfolds, Eden Benchmarks, and Discover Eden, which he was involved during his time as a countryside manager for the Eden Valley. Few people know this area quite as intimately as Dick Capel and over the years he worked hard to protect the natural and built heritage of the area.

This Fellfoot Forward lunchtime talk was presented as a webinar via Zoom on Thursday 10 February. Watch the recording of the talk here (running time approx. 45 minutes).

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