
Pennine Way champions

Pennine Way Champions

Pennine Way Champions are volunteers with a passion for the countryside who help look after a stretch of one of the country’s most iconic walking routes.

Working with the North Pennines AONB Partnership team, volunteers look after a 73-mile stretch of the Pennine Way National Trail which falls in the North Pennines AONB and UNESCO Global Geopark, between Tan Hill on the Teesdale / North Yorkshire border, to Greenhead in Northumberland. Volunteers can apply to be allocated a specific stretch of the route to look after as its ‘champion’. Volunteer days will be advertised through the Better Impact system and through our monthly volunteer newsletter.

Champions will be allocated a section of the Pennine Way to ‘adopt’. Champions will be required to conduct surveys on their adopted stretch a minimum of two times a year, and ideally four times or more. Problems you may encounter whilst checking your adopted section include damaged stiles, difficult to use gates, missing way-marks, overgrowth, blocked drains, surface erosion and flooding. Any problems should be reported using the report form supplied, either through the post or by email.

To find out more about becoming a champion, please contact Jack Ravenscroft (Mob: 07901326274, email:

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